
ISRID er et nyttig hjelpemiddel ved flytting til Houston, for de som nettopp har kommet her og andre med interesse for livet i Houston og omegn.

Du finner masse praktisk informasjon til forberedelsene fra folk som har vært gjennom det samme som dere står ovenfor og hvordan komme i kontakt med andre norske som bor her.

Introduction of ISRID in English

This website (ISRID) is aimed towards Norwegian ex-pats in Houston or anyone who is looking at moving to Houston or the surrounding area. The information here is based on the experiences of several people who have lived here for many years.

This site is meant to cover the different aspects of living in a new place that is different than what they came from.

So sit back explore the site and you may learn some Norwegian language while you do.

Feel free to reach out of you have any questions or you think any of the information needs to be updated.